The LTT-E-Learning Module Creation Learning Teaching Activitiy will take place at University Paderborn, Germany.

This activity will allow the participants of the partner organisations to receive training and make proposals on how to create an e-learning module for dyscalculia and how to prepare the content for this module.

It is the responsibility of this organisation to request analyses of the current situation regarding dyscalculia from the partner organisations, to monitor the participants during the activities, to apply the questionnaires for the pre-test and post-test and to prepare and implement the forms for the participants to evaluate the activities.

Here is a rough overview of the content of the LTTA2:

Day 1: The prevalence of dyscalculia in schools, the awareness of teacher candidates, different practices related to this area,
Day 2: Different types of activities that can be used with students diagnosed with dyscalculia.
Day 3: Instructional activities for students with dyscalculia and identification of the different applications.
Day 4: Identify techniques and topics that can be used in mainstreaming lessons,
Day 5: Review and evaluate different digital content to be used in the e-learning module.