LTT-Dyscalculia Podcast Preparation Learning Teaching Activity

LTTA 3 will take place under the leadership of Panevezio „Zemynos“ progimnazija in Lithuania.

This LTT-Dyscalculia Podcast Preparation Learning Teaching Activity is part of Work Package 4 and ensures the ceation and publishion of the Dyscalculia Podcasts. The podcasts can be used as a resource for teachers, prospective teachers and academics anytime, anywhere.

Here is a rough overview of the plan of LTTA 3:

Day 1: Methods of podcast preparation and content of the podcast,
Day 2: Which episodes should be included in the podcasts?
Day 3: Conversion of the podcasts into texts in the language of the respective partner organisation, determination of the content of the analysis studies to be carried out by Germany,
Day 4: Preparation of a draft in English, the common language,
Day 5: Conducting the evaluation session.